Lyric discussion by blurppi 

I think the song is about human beings as a species acting in self interest no matter what.

The apostles part is quite obvious, saying that, despite the morals of love and compassion that those historical figures stressed, they still want material things like the rest of us.

The 'businessers' part expresses how this urge to buy and sell and get more money will never ever lead to satisfaction. It's an eternal hell, just make more money, make more money, but in the end 'you're sick of it all, and bankrupt on selling.'

I'm not completely sure about the angels part, but I've always thought that it's saying that humans have corrupted the pure. At one time they cared about eachother, but now they want the same things that we do.

The last two parts don't seem to fit in with the rest of the song, because I think it's more about the writer reflecting on himself through witnessing how corrupt the human condition really is. The 'college' part explains that he wants others to hear his opinions on them, but the only way is to improve himself by their standards, the standards that he hates.

And, finally, the last part has something to do with compassion, it seems as if he's trying to leave this point of love for the stiff materalistic world, but in the end, he can't do it, and he might just be as blind as everyone else.

I don't think the college part is really about what the writer or narrator is thinking. I think Isaac is kind of making fun of all these kids thinking, they'll go to college and learn some stuff and change the world! When in all actuality they won't do much of anything. at least that’s what I got from it.

Angels are pure and kind (at least most are) and again as with the apostles Issac says that they too are after material things and don't help you simply out of the kindness of their hearts.

I think the college verse is more about ignorance, how people will believe this man who uses bi words blindly even though they don't fully understand what he's saying.

The last verse confuses me, it doesn't really fit in with the song.

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