Lyric discussion by boozm 

Cover art for Rockin' in the Free World lyrics by Neil Young

The line 'Keep on rockin in the free world' is half sarcastic and half anthemic as you'd expect it to be.

It's half about America's external conflict and half about America's internal conflict.

I think Higgs more or less correctly explained the reference to external conflict.

It strongly questions America's social values. There's people 'shufflin there feet', when i hear this i always think of a lot of busy black shoes on their way to an office job, walking past the homeless man 'People sleepin in their shoes'

The second verse raises prostitution and heroin addiction in a heart wrenching scenario. A girl putting her baby in the trash can so she can get another hit.

The third verse raises environmental destruction.

The song is about being free, but being free responsibly.