Lyric discussion by jlbrpt 

Cover art for Where I Go lyrics by Natalie Merchant

One of the few songs that leaves little room for's meaning is clear as can be. I know a river that fits this song's meaning. It is the Crystal River as it runs through a little town in Western Colorado called Redstone. In this little mountain town of 92 people (according to the sign last time I was there in 1997) that sits along the river, you can walk out of the door to any cottage or business in town, and hear the cool rushing water sound. The town is an old mining town with few businesses...a hotel, a couple of restaurants, and a few small is about as peaceful a setting as you could find. And to sit at some of the picnic tables by the river, and listen to the waters rushing by, the stresses of the world are just gone.

I loved this song the first time I heard it, and it made me think of the Crystal River in Redstone, CO...and it still makes me think of it today.