Lyric discussion by paranoidandroid83 

I find it hilarious how offended and profane some of you people get over this band. whether they're "sell outs" or "suck ass" are "are not punk", all three of those are argueable, and i can just picture some of you going at each other with a splinter of wood with a rusty nail. there is such a thing as free speech, and although i may not always agree with other people's opinion, i still don't threaten to sodomize the other person to back my point. seriously...chill out. it's just a band.

as for me, i don't think blink are that good, although they did help get me into punk music back when i did like them. i still don't think they're punk, but they are a bridge between pop and punk, and that's not necessarily a bad thing. tru, their lyrics and guitar rifts are incredibly simple, but the band has some admirable qualities(like travis is one kick ass drummer). yeah, i've rambled for a while. peace out.

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