Lyric discussion by mimickid 

Cover art for Cult Status lyrics by AFI

This song is about alcohol. Very creative, because it's from the prespective of the alcohol. I'LL TURN YOU ON AND SWITCH YOU RGHT OFF you get turned on to drinking, and then it switches your brain right off. I'LL MAKE SURE YOU LIKE WHAT YOU SEE when you're intoxicated, even when you're doing really stupid or painful things, you like what you see. FORGET ALL THAT YOU ONCE BELIEVED, NOW YOU WILL BELIEVE IN ME alcohol does cause people to have more closed minds. it also kills brain cells, which would cause a person to forget what they believed. IN ALL OPINIONS THAT YOU VOICE, IT'S MY VOICE THEY ALL HEAR here's another one that relates to having a closed mind, and having alcohol change your beliefs and base it on getting drunk. "you didn't used to steal, but then you started stealing alcohol". CHORUS alcohol can have an effect on your ideas and values because of how intoxicating it is. it also breaks down your individuality, since it is something that "everybody does", and it makes you more of a number. I'LL GIVE YOU A TASTE OF THE BLAND to an alcoholic, life is all basically the same: a tangled mess of true and false memories. pretty bland. INTOXICATED, YOU TAKE ME IN well that's pretty obvious right there. YOU'LL NEVER FEEL THE TOUCH OF MY HAND as far as i know, nobody wants to become an alcoholic, but it happens to so many people anyway. why? because they don't knwo what they're doing to themselves. they don't feel the touch of the alcohol before it's too late. YOU'LL NEVR HAVE TO THINK AGAIN well, if you're intoxicated, you dont' really have to think, and most people don't anyway. IT'S JUST A MATTER OF LOST TIME being drunk, in the eyes of sXe, is a waste of time. AFI is a very strait forward sXe band, and it definetly shows in these lyrics.