Lyric discussion by MusikLuver12 

this reminds me of two things: the incredibly true saying that "Theres a thin line between love and hate" and... i had a relationship not LIKE this, it WAS this... every lyric rings true to me...verbatim... now my ex and i share this larger than life animosity towards eachother and i don't believe that anything can repair the thriving relationship we once had.. the love we had was so powerful and amazing that once it ended...WE each ended, there was no fixing the past (we tried to- could we have "tried a little harder"?) no turning back, for us it was all or nothing. when you love someone that much its dangerous because you put all this trust in them, and when things fall apart, regardless of whose fault it really was, when it comes down to it.. the anger on both sides engulfs you because you're blaming them and blaming yourself and your just so fucking angry you're blinded by it. now i try to erase him from my past and seeing his face now makes me nauseated, because he did change, but i know deep down that i loved him once, dearly, and the love we had was good....aside from all the aftermath and complications. people would give me advice like "its better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all" which i always thought was bullshit but this song reminds me of the good times just a little, a second before they are corrupted by the bad.

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