Lyric discussion by dyinginnewbrunswick 

I take this song as my personal anthem to God, because I can relate it so well to my life. I want God to use the ministry that I have to give Him, especially while I'm in high school. But it's really hard. God has to force him to open his mouth, because he doesn't want to. He has to have God take over when they treat him like a goody-goody, because it's extra hard for him then. He's telling God how he wants to share His love for them, but he knows he can't when he's getting his defenses up. He says they're trying to make him feel ashamed because he's touched and set apart by God. He asks God to help him show people his thirst for Him. He's praying to God to give him a peace and he wants to just lean on Him. He needs God's spirit to talk to him and His Holy Spirit to be with him. "They are liberated minds, I'm a narrow-minded fool" he's saying that they see themselves as open and tolerant and he's supposedly the polar opposite and a total fool for what he believes. "My mouth will be closed if there's no one seeking". He's saying that if someone doesn't come asking him, he won't search for people or seek them out. (This is something I struggle with, because I keep my defenses up instead of choosing to make myself vulnerable in order to reach people.) He's saying that love would be more convincing than anything he could say and that maybe his words will never come out right, but he'll stay and persevere. "Everybody believes in God, but no one does in You" he's saying that everyone says they believe in God, but he knows that what they "believe" isn't God at all... But he knows who God is, and he believes. He's not ashamed.

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