Lyric discussion by MadTom 

This song strikes me as a little cynical ... a love song talking about the corruption of man by woman. There are some metaphorical references to sexual intercourse ... "the seeds of love I'll sow" ... but the narrator also seems to be condemning his woman at the same time, for being a "child of Satan", or even Satan himself.

Incidentally, the line about letting the "music be your master" is one of the lines that spurred rumours that Zep were trying to intertwine Satanic propaganda with their music. All crap, in my opinion, but ...

Yeah, the female corruptor figure is certainly a continuing Idea when compared with the lyrics in Dazed and Confused "soul of a woman was created below" kindov a conservative religious viewpoint found in early Judean thinking pointing to genesis (obviously also quite present in Islam) So yeah, the whole Idea that one who shares that viewpoint would in fact be a Satanist is, as I would agree with you quite preposterous.

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