Lyric discussion by LittleBriddie 

Cover art for Vienna lyrics by Billy Joel

I love this song. I can't believe nobody has posted on this one yet. I heard it for the first time on a rerun of Taxi when I was probably 10 years old. I searched all over the Internet last year until I found it, and then I bought The Stranger album. Anyway, to me, this song is pretty self-explanatory. The narrator is just telling this "crazy child" to enjoy life more. Maybe he's a college student who is freaking out about having to go into the real world soon ("if you're so smart tell me why are you still so afraid?"). He's telling the kid to calm down because there is plenty of time to get life in order. He's encouraging him to keep looking forward to the future ("dream on/But don't imagine they'll all come true") without committing himself to it yet ("you can't be everything you want to be before your time"). Vienna symbolizes some kind of future happiness. It isn't going to pass him by because "Vienna waits for you". This is a really hopeful song. The overall message reminds me of John Lennon's "Instant Karma" - "we all shine on/like the moon and the stars and the sun." Basically, everything is going to be alright.

I heard this song off of a movie too! I was watching 13 going on 30, when I heard it. I love it. I, like you, searched the internet until I found it!!

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