I agree with most of you guys except for the suicide part. It's obvious that in his fucked up subconscious mind / dream / drunken haze / whatever you want to call it, that he killed her, or wishes he could kill her would be the better thing to say. You can see it in the first lines: "No one knows where I buried my sweet Virgina Madison." We've all seen enough TV to know that he would only be burying her if he were the one who had killed her and wanted to hide it or keep her to himself. If she had committed suicide she would be having a funeral and people would know where his "sweet Virgina" was buried. Too me it sounds like that in the dark side of his subconscious he wishes he could kill her to keep her to himself in the peaceful state she would be in. Maybe in the reality of the song, if that makes sense, Virginia Madison is someone who he cares about but she doesn’t care about him the way he expects her too. And one night he gets so wasted that he had these thoughts that are justified by how trashed he got. Pretty f'd up huh? I think this song represents the psychotic side in his mind that that comes from being in love with someone who doesn’t feel the same way about you. And as always Jason does a kick ass job expressing how he fells through music. I love strung out a lot, but this song is a little bit too fucked up for my liking, but it's got some killer music and some catchy vocals nonetheless.
I agree with most of you guys except for the suicide part. It's obvious that in his fucked up subconscious mind / dream / drunken haze / whatever you want to call it, that he killed her, or wishes he could kill her would be the better thing to say. You can see it in the first lines: "No one knows where I buried my sweet Virgina Madison." We've all seen enough TV to know that he would only be burying her if he were the one who had killed her and wanted to hide it or keep her to himself. If she had committed suicide she would be having a funeral and people would know where his "sweet Virgina" was buried. Too me it sounds like that in the dark side of his subconscious he wishes he could kill her to keep her to himself in the peaceful state she would be in. Maybe in the reality of the song, if that makes sense, Virginia Madison is someone who he cares about but she doesn’t care about him the way he expects her too. And one night he gets so wasted that he had these thoughts that are justified by how trashed he got. Pretty f'd up huh? I think this song represents the psychotic side in his mind that that comes from being in love with someone who doesn’t feel the same way about you. And as always Jason does a kick ass job expressing how he fells through music. I love strung out a lot, but this song is a little bit too fucked up for my liking, but it's got some killer music and some catchy vocals nonetheless.