Lyric discussion by deftonesgirl_57 

Cover art for Liability lyrics by Juliana Theory, The

ok, i'm gonna put my two cents in. This song is about the Clinton administration and all government. It's about lying to the public to feed their own wants and that one day, they will be held accountable for it. i think their talking about judgment in heaven or on earth. just basically that evil does not go unpunished. "you can send our children off to battlefield/and you can wipe the blood from both your hand......" is talking about sensless wars to gain popularity (ie: when Clinton was sending troops to that small country and they were getting kille "all for a good cause" "because he cared" because he wanted the attention of the Monica Lewinsky scandal.) this song means sooo much to me because i'm very into politics and this expresses my views very well. i love them for the fact that they aren't afraid to stand up for what's right and not compromise. ........ok, sry if i bored you. :)
