Lyric discussion by Drink_and_Fight 

This is deffinately about a dating couple in my opinion. She gets all pissed at the guy cause hes having an awesome fun time all the time, and she usually is always on his case for this...Reason shes on his case is because she to "prissy" to have fun, and wants him not to have fun, shes always trying to impress, hence the lyric, "I know I don't care". Then we get to the point where the guy is FED UP asking her if he can do things then she bitches, he says "I'll never ask permission from you, Fuck Off I'm not listening to you" NOW TO RECAP: 1st verse, She tries to embarrass him in front of people, 2nd verse, Now that the guy feels bad and embarrassed he is starting to get pissed that his friends leave cause of her, and hes sick of defending her to them. 3rd verse, this would really piss the guy off and frustrate him because he seems to be the one doing everything to "Please" and keep her happy, and to her its still not enough. 4th verse, now we see that the guy has absolutly had enough at the end of his rope. 5th verse(chorus) He is now rebelling, 6th verse he goes away somewhere and drinks himself stupid, and can't believe the amount of shit he put up with, and he feels for a long time he dissed his boys over some kind of "Princess"....Thats my interpretation hope you likes.

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