Lyric discussion by Drink_and_Fight 

I would say I am a rather tough guy, I am 6'2" 190 lbs. I hold my own, I am told I never show emotion, And I admit I am cold....But this song made the hair on the back of my neck stand on end, and a shiver down my spine...I got a lump in my throat and literally started crying...Just like everyone else on our camp site around the fire. I had to take a walk away cause I wanted to hit something. And I sat by myself in the forest for 2 hours with my beers and all I thought about is my ex Heather. I never really thought this song was about death until I read the lyrics. The "What would you think of me now, so lucky, so strong, so proud" Just made me think of Heather, I want to sing that to her. I never knew this song was about those two girls that help out bands make it to the big times. I am still trying to build the courage to call her, but its been 18 months or so since I spoke to her. LIVE EVERYDAY TO THE FULLEST.


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