Lyric discussion by indigoboy 

ummm yea, i agree. do u really think she'd be singing this midtempo, whisical song about being molested? the song is about having someone worthwhile and not realizing what u had until after uve ruined it by using them or taking them for granted ("ive been careless with a delicate man"). fiona writes metaphors; "ive done wrong and i want to suffer for my sins"--she doesnt mean that literally, she's comparing breaking this guy's heart to sinning--being a criminal--and now she feels bad and regrets screwing up a good thing so now she wants to play the martyr to get him back. some of u may be confused because the video was about the exploitation of young girls and she used the opportunity to try to get over her own insecurities about her body image (see mtv2's most shocking videos). but i guess it's interesting to see how others have interpreted this song.

Amanda Palmer has a mid tempo whimscal about being raped by a member of Oasis... so why not?

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