Lyric discussion by Stincubus01 

Cover art for Divided lyrics by Incubus

You can find this song on the Strait Up tribute was supposed to be the next Snot album, but then Lynn Strait (the lead singer of Snot) died in a car accident. Lynn hadn't put down the vocal tracks for the album yet but most of the music had already been done. The rest of the band invited all of the vocalists from their favorite bands that Snot opened for or played with over the years. Each vocalist gave their own tribute to Lynn with the lyrics. Some of them seem more like venting their emotions about his death though. John from Korn,Serf from System of a Down, Fred from Limp Bizkit(his song sucks ass.....stupidest lyrics i've ever heard......he actually tried giving props for his band in a tribute song!!!!), Lajon from Sevendust, Mark from Sugar Ray, Max from Soulfly, Dez from Coal Chamber, and Corey from Slipknot. Oh, and of course Brandon from Incubus. This song and Lajon's song (Angel's Son) are like the two best songs on the cd. Their the ones I go back and listen to over again.