Lyric discussion by Sage865711916 

I think this about a guy who fell in love, but then the girl changed into something bad. He just let it happen, but he couldn't love her afterward. When he let her go, it really hurt this girl. But he went about it in a cruel way, and he felt really guilty about it, and he realized maybe it was better to be with her. But when he went back, the girl blew him off, knowing that she would never be the way he wanted, so she would end up getting her again. And it didn't matter if he gave his life, the girl still wouldn't want to be with him. If it doesn't make sense, I'll break it down.

"I've watched you change Into a fly I looked away You were on fire" The girl changes into something bad, but he just lets it go.

"I watched a change In you It's like you never Had wings" It's like she wasn't who he thought she was.

"Now you feel So Alive I've watched you change" She wanted the change, she thinks it's better for her

"I took you home Set you on the glass I pulled off your wings Then I laughed" He left her and hurt her, thinking it was the good thing to do.

"I look at the cross Then I look away" He regrets the decision he made. The cross symbolizing goodness, he knows he has done bad so he looks away.

"Give you the lungs to Blow me away" He's willing to give his life to make things better, but she only rejects him. (You can't live without lungs).

Well, hope it makes sense.

for every body who thinks it says "give you the lungs to blow me away", thats not what it says. it says "give you the GUN, blow me away". not lungs.

Whether the line is "guns" or lungs" (Which I'm pretty sure it's guns...) I'm not sure on the giving his life bit. Maybe in the beginning when he was ignoring the change, and trying to stick it out, but I read "Give you the guns to Blow me away" differently.

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