Lyric discussion by g0nadsANDstrife 

Yep, rave got it. It's about how science can figure much out, yet faith is more important, and faith can't be measured with science.

Maybe I disagree with them, in that faith is more important than science. Maybe we think it is important because we are raised that way. I can't see why science has failed our world, I personally think Science is what evolves our minds and understanding of the world, knowledge and communication is always a good thing in my oppinion. Faith is okay, people are allowed to believe in something no-one can prove or disprove, but most of the religions thru history is just ridiculous I think. I think religion has failed, some people blindly believe in something totally ridiculous, religion...

Science has Failed wether u believe in god or not, with science we have create cities, cars and other great things, instead of evolving to adapt we change the world to suit us,destroying the natural order and stopping our own evolution.

Think of all the pain experiments have caused, not just to humans and animals, but to our whole world, all in the name of science. By seeking answers outwardly, science has only created more confusing questions that hold us back from experiencing simple truths from within. In spite of striving towards efficiency, science gets caught up in finding answers, no matter how much the mess will cost to clean up. B34R, I agree with you that religion has been misused by man, but that's because it tries to define an indefinable truth of spirit. I personally believe spirit...

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