Lyric discussion by scandor 

OK, I think everyone is entitled to their own opinion, I don't think Creed is the best band to walk the planet. But in MY OPINION, they do make good music. And as for their music being shallow, how so? A song wishing for a better place, or a song how happy he is for having a kid. Just because he doesn't sing about screwing every girl, and doing drugs doesn't mean that their songs are shallow. Think about this song for a second, It actually is deep. Wanting everyone one to get a long, in a place where there are no diseases. That doesn't sound very shallow to me. What IS shallow, however, is attacking somebody for their religion, who cares. How does that affect you in anyway? It's not like they're walking around like holy rollers pressing what they believe on to everyone, and thinking there next to God. If you don't like Creed, then why are you here in the first place? You are entitiled to like what you want, but at least don't form an opinion about someone just because they are "christians". I consider myself religous, but I am pretty liberal, if you don't want to believe what I believe, thats fine with me, im not going to force my views on you. As for being hypocritical, expecting someone to accept that you have different views, then you have the audacity to get mad at them because they don't share your views. Thats pretty hypocritical if you ask me.

Great post there, Scandor. I agree, how is a song about wishing for a better place considered shallow?

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