Lyric discussion by SweetestSiren 

I love the Goo Goo Dolls' lyrics. This is a great song... it's about a girl who's a world of contradictions to this guy, but he loves her anyway. She's pretty fickle, and maybe toys with his emotions at times.

I really like the second verse, for some reason: "I wanna kick at the machine That made you piss away your dreams And tear down your defenses Till there's nothing there but me You're angry when you're beautiful Your love is such a tease I'm drowning in your dizzy noise I wanna feel you scream" ... Don't really know what to make of that. I guess she's been hurt by someone before, and it's maybe messed up everything she had planned. The "tear down your defenses 'til there's nothing left but me" line is interesting... sinister, even. He wants to have power over her, as she probably already has over him.

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