Lyric discussion by i4cpain 

Cover art for Forlorn lyrics by Keepsake

this song is like exactly my life its so weird. "Come walk a mile in my shoes Before you write me off" this is when i was teased for wearing my glasses. "Your actions prove you cunning My actions overlooked" this is aobut all the efforts ive tryed to help poeple only to have them forget me. "No longer will I misjudge On the account of my lust My virtues of your kind Slowly fading away I often wonder what's become?" this is my paranoia of everyone not excepting me for who i am. "Of what I've grown to know as love I reminisce of days gone b Your innocence gone Now you spread your wings and fly (away)" this is of poeple that die that yuo never got to say good bye to. "Why can't I find That deep inside What you once were It troubles me But now I see, why you must leave Time again Damaged fate" this is that poeple change to impress other when really you wonder why you changed.