Lyric discussion by prophet 

Hey arseholes, this is called "songmeanings" not "yourdumbassedcommentsonthemusicvideo" Just because they dare to do feel-good music, you think they should be shot? and DXTR, u hate this song just cos AAF did it? that is about as shallow as it gets. Anyway AAF's record company wanted them to do a rock cover of mjs "earth song". And they sed no, cos they want to be known for there own music. Take that and stick it up your arse Phyxius.

So they said no... But yet the first some a lot of people heard by them, me included, was a cover. Sure shows that they want to be known for their own music.. I actually like this, although the lyrics suck, I like both versions. The people attacking the song/artists really need to find somethin else to do, as do the people attempting to attack said attackers, MJ's been getting shit since he looked half-way white, and now he's dead. So mebbe you should avoid his cover and make fun of the rest of AAF's songs! I dunno them, but...

Just wanted to say something 'Sure shows that they want to be known for their own music' I'm assuming they were asked after the popularity of this cover. and I'm also assuming that when they did the cover, they didn't know it would be all they would be known for. Most people, when I mention AAF, all they can say is 'the only song good by that band, is not even theirs...' I'm sure they got the offer after that song, when the label though 'well, they're good for covers, we should make them do more to get something out...

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