Lyric discussion by bosco9 

this song has nothing to do with an american president. drugstore's a british band (i hope we all knew that), and this song deals with the american involvement in chile a few decades ago. here's what drugstore's lead singer said about what went on there: “Chile is a very tiny country, very insignificant, because it doesn’t really have that many resources, but somehow, around the ’70s they arrived at a democracy, and Salvador Allende was elected democratically. He was a socialist man with a lot of integrity, and wasn’t even, like, revolutionary or anything. He just wanted the poor to have land to work on. The Americans had some 12, 13 companies in the country, they still do. But I think it was beyond the companies, it was more a question of keeping the status quo. Because if Chile becomes a democracy, what about the next door neighbour? How about the next one to that? And the whole balance of the world possibly would have changed. So they teamed up with the army and generated one the of the most cruel, horrific military coups in the whole history of Latin America." Salvador is the man that this song is about. it's a great song with great inspiration behind it. drugstore rocks.

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