Lyric discussion by bizarre 

I can't believe that no one has mentioned that this song could be about GOD! It is a well-known fact that many musicians have very different beliefs about God than those of other people. When I read these lyrics, they smacked of dislike for God. I see it this way: so many people get fucked up every day, that how can you prove the existence of God? He doesn't seem so benevolent if he lets humanity suffer.

It could also be interpreted that God is not really all-seeing. The obvious line is "You don't see me." Also, however, "Flew with it on your back, a Name in your recollection Down among a million same

Difficult not to feel a little bit Disappointed and passed over"

These lines could symbolize how God does not see the problems of everyone, because he is well...busy.

Satan was a fallen angel. Perhaps he is also saying not necessarily that he worships Satan, but that he also has a distrust for God because of the hardship he has endured. Perhaps he is speaking of the Libras who haev shunned him. This song could be about both things at once.

Don't forget, when a writer pens something, he does not intend for it to have only one meaning. It may be based off of an experience, but it can also be using that experience to draw a parallel to a particular theme or belief.

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