Lyric discussion by newfoundfinch 

Cover art for Headup lyrics by Deftones

I'm sorry lesprophetitos, I did not mean to anger you. Your big words and musical knowledge is too great for me. And by the way, Finch considered themselves a Deftones rip-off band before their guitarist Randy joined the band. So much for your Thursday reference. And sweet is another way of saying cool, neat, radical, tubular, gnarley, great, good, I could go on for hours with words that meand the same as sweet. I am very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very sorry that you did not understand what I meant by sweet. Please, for the love of God, forgive my mistake and give me another chance. Also, since you seem to be a musical expert, could you tell me all that you know about music so I don't piss anyone else off? I would hate to have someone else rip apart everything that I wrote. I cried myself to sleep after I read what you wrote. All I ever wanted was to be your friend. Please take me back, I will do anything for your love. I can't take this hate anymore, I want to get back to loving. Love me, Lesprophetitos, love me.

hahaha dude that was hilarious

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