Lyric discussion by rainbow8711 

Cover art for Falling Down lyrics by Muse

something about a person going through a mentally stressful time in their life, and then this is him/her having a go at everyone who wasn't there to support them through it, and when they finally do care it's too late and they're rejected. xxx Lou

Reminds me of the movie "Falling Down" starring Michael Douglas. Guy gets pushed too far and goes on a killing spree and blows up some shit lol. Great movie:)

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Reminds me of the movie "Falling Down" starring Michael Douglas. Guy gets pushed too far and goes on a killing spree and blows up some shit lol. Great movie:)

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Reminds me of the movie "Falling Down" starring Michael Douglas. Guy gets pushed too far and goes on a killing spree and blows up some shit lol. Great movie:)

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