Lyric discussion by pmav8 

Cover art for Lullabye (Goodnight, My Angel) lyrics by Billy Joel

I had picked out this song, alone, as my song to my incredible girlfriend at the peak of our 3-year relationship. It described our relationship perfectly and we both treasured this song, having many sentimental ties. Since then we have dissolved as a "couple," though we are still close and love each other very much. The greatest part about this song is it still applys and describes us so well and always will.

hey me too, my boyfriend sang this song to me and trust me he's a really a good singer. he came in 4th place for the top choir singers for base II in the state! He sang this song to me because it describes our relationship perfectly and that we will always love each other <33. this song is incredible and the 1st time I heard him sing it i was in tearsXDDD It was the most beautiful moment in my life and i never cry cuz i stink at it. but anyways this song is the best song in...

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