Lyric discussion by xSavesthedaYx 

Cover art for Porcelain lyrics by Thursday

i'm surprised there arent more comments on this song. This is one of my favorite songs lyrically because of the honesty of the lyrics and the message it sends to today's broken youth. The song is about suicide. The lyrics directly relate to humanity by relating something as delicate as porcelain to the fragility of human life. It sends a message to those thinking of committing suicide in the last few lines of the song. Thursday wrote this song in memory of one of their dear friends who committed suicide in hopes that somehow they could save a life and prevent someone else from feeling the pain of losing a loved one to this horrible and pointless act of violence against oneself. Read the words, digest them, understand them, and relate them to you or someone you know who may be considering suicide. Suicide is the escape of the weak, an escape for people who think they are too pathetic to help themselves. No one is that pathetic. Geoff's last word in this song: Live