Lyric discussion by blu_n69 

Cover art for Scissors lyrics by Slipknot

You know that part after the song, where after it's all silent and everything, then people start talking? I believe that is the group watching the movie Gummo, and they are all grossing out over it. I've watched it and it's pretty sick. Anyway, the reason for this is that in Rolling Stone it said that the movie Gummo is somewhere in the album, but i couldn't think of any songs but this one, and it makes sense. In case anyone wants to know, the movie is about these kids who live in Youngstown, OH and they have like, no culture so they just look around for things to do, and the movie showcases this. For instance, they find a cat so they string it up and shoot it with bb guns, they make a little kid have sex with a sick old hooker, all for fun!

which part? i don't know.

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actually it's a porn movie called mud slide. corey taylor picked it up at his old porn store job. it's a shit fetish film lol "just pretend it's pudding"

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