Lyric discussion by fattymoto 

Cover art for Wait And Bleed lyrics by Slipknot

First off, Amateur my ass! I don't love this song more than others either. This song does have amazing vocals in it, and the song just kinda of goes with those suicide hymns that are so popular now days (Chop Suey, Crawling, blah blah blah) Probably, because everyone can relate to depression in one way or another, it connects with a lot of people. On to the meaning:

For the most part everyone is right. To be precise . . . The song is about a person that has repetitive black and white dreams that he is slashing his wrists in a bathtub. He wakes up to find that his dream is a reality so he tries to fall back asleep and wake up normally. He "waits and bleeds."

We know he's in a bathroom and that the dreams are black and white from, "I wipe it off on tile, the light is brighter this time" We know that he's uncertain about whether he's sleeping and shit from "how did i get here" and "is it a dream, or a memory" Blu though you are an ass, nice mention of the Manchrian Candidate. The Manchurian Candidate, I think they are talking about, deals with the mind controlled programs run by the CIA and military. Using LSD, sensory deprivation, electro convulsive treatment, brain electrode implants and hypnosis was supposed to create amnesia, depersonalization, changes in identity, and altered states of consciousness. The Manchurian Candidate is an experimentally created multiple personality disorder called dissociative identity disorder. If he had this experiment done on him, has the disorder, or even if he is using it as sort of a metaphor, that would be an even greater explanation to his "get out of my head" and most of his confusion and problems.

Too much writing, catch ya on the flip!