Lyric discussion by Cool_Dandy 

I have no idea of the this songs meaning BUT I love it. I think I love it so much because it's so complex. At first I just found it to be a very sad song. Then, like damioniqnis, I also thought the song was about Freddie's battle with AIDS. BUT when I was introduced to this song I had no idea of its original date of recording and Freddie Mercury dies shortly after. Paulo points out that this song was written ten years before Freddie was aware of his HIV status but it could be possible that he was speaking of the epidemic in general or a friend. And it is not known when Freddie was actually diagnosed. Hell, I have no! This song is so complex! From the changes in tempo to their use of sarcasm. Hey, I guess that makes it a Queen hit, right? This, without a doubt is one of my favorite songs ever. Although it would be nice to comprehend the lyrics. ;)

*Just found this site tonight (by accident) and it's GREAT!

In 1975 there was no AIDS epidemic, which started more or less in the early 80's. There is no way the song is about AIDS at all.

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