Lyric discussion by hexCEASAR 

Cover art for Tearing The Veil From Grace lyrics by Cradle of Filth

I think it's pretty easy to figure out what this song is about.

We've (all those who don't follow the world's top four religions) have been sent into the underground. "Biblical choirs soar beyond veiled light A swansong for ravens trapped flapping in night " points that out. This song is about fighting (i'm not sure if it's physical or something else) for our right to take back what once was our's. "To retake what once was lost To exalt our throne above the stars of God" says it all. The song goes onto describ what it would be like when we claim victory. "Nightbreed freed from the vasty deep ...Nasty reap of freaks forsaken " and "Bastioned in citadels and monastic cells that smell of blessed cunt Like a convent where crosses rust From thirty dirty habits of shaved nun There where deeper needs are begged of lust And cess and less impress enough " and "Fellated Satan His coming assails The Night In Gales That bewail turned tides That engulf their nation " and "Now divintity is a worm ridden mouth In a darkened high house Overrun by disease So let the truth be wrung That the Banished Ones intent On reinstatement have won" show this.

Over all, I think this song is quite nice.