Lyric discussion by jimmytheexploder 

Cover art for Map of Your Head lyrics by Muse

it's got simple music, yet the words are so complicated. To me, it's about being in a relationship where the guy really likes the girl,but she's not all that keen on him. He's wondering what's going on. Still, that's just what i think. it's the imagery that matters, and this time it's very musey. Notice that you don't really mind not knowing exactly what it's about? it's because you can picture what is happening.

I like your interpretation but my personal one is this: I think that it's about a person going through a rough time (depression) and the one person they try to talk to wont listen and keeps going on about their own problems instead of taking the itme to help him:

"I'm sick of feeling my soul To people who'll never know Just how purposely and empty they grow" He's sick of talking to people who wont listen to what he has to say.

"Because their language confuses Like computers refuse to understand How i'm feeling today" And he hates talking to...

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