Lyric discussion by LoganNYC 

defect, my dad's a cop, and i'm currently waiting to enter the Police Academy of New York City, so i can relate. I don't know where you're from or where the singer of the band is from, but no cops anywhere are like the fuckin NYPD. Being a cop is not a guy "getting stuck in a shitty job" as you put it. I'd like to see this guy who wrote this song collar a 7 foot psychopath wanted for homicide in the toughest parts of one of the toughest cities in the world. Being a cop is not a job a person gets stuck in, it is a job a person has to go through several tests and tasks and training periods to be found fit to perform, for pay that is not fitting the work that cops do. are there asshole cops? of course there are, because they're human beings, but the good that police do far outweighs the bad. and the "bad" that you people deal with is getting yelled at for loitering outside the 7-11 in your small suburban towns or for doing 58 in a 50. fuck that, you people will never encounter really good cops, you know why? because your not murderers, rapists, or arsonists. those are the people who encounter the good cops, and when those good cops deal with the scum of the earth for long enough, they become bitter, because they're only human. newfoundgetupkid, i would be mad at your comment if i thought you weren't severely mentally retarded. you're probably a sexually frustrated, pubescent, acne-ridden lad who finally found music that speaks to him and covered his jansport with patches and pins. did you work 12 hours a day for over a month immediately after september 11th sifting through rubble downtown and at the garbage dump to find body parts to be identified by forensics so that families could bury their dead? cuz my father did. and so did probably half of the detectives and patrolmen in New York City. fuck them? fuck you, douchebag. And anyone who disagrees, I don't know what to tell you. There are assholes on the job, as I mentioned before, but there are assholes in any and every line of work. People seem to love to focus in on the asshole cops and say "Fuck the police, blah blah blah." I never hear "Fuck the Wall St. guys", well actually I do, but not as much. But you know what I've never ever heard? "Fuck firefighters" And I'm glad I never have, but why just cops? Cops are there to keep people like you safe from murder, robbery, rape, and so on and if they can't prevent it from happening to you, they'll make sure the guy that got you won't get someone else. and if you're gonna bring up "Oh, a guy could kill someone and be out of jail in 5 years, boo hoo" I'm not denying that, and neither will any cop, and that's why they get so bitter and disillusioned. That's the legal systems fault, and lawyers who defend a guy that they know murdered an elderly woman for example. Fuck lawyers, I'd rather hear people say that, cuz lawyers are the fucking lowest of the low. They're pieces of shit who don't care about justice, they look at cases as personal victories, not the big picture, i.e. the benefit of society at large. I can go on all night, but it's 1:15 am, and I have to be in work in less than 7 hours. By the way, I work for a company that does jobs all over the city, and I was recently at a job at 3 World Financial Center. The building was separated from what was the Trade Center (or as non-New Yorkers like to call it, "ground zero") only by West St. So when I looked out of the window on the east side of the 29th floor, I was looking directly into the hole, which i assure you all is fucking gigantic. Anyway, I think I've made my point.

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