Lyric discussion by UnseenOp 

Cover art for Missionary lyrics by Operation Ivy

This is one of my favorite Op Ivy songs (but they all kick ass). I think this song is about the hypocrisy of the church. They would send missionaries to "save the world" and when they dont succeed they just kill the people. The flag of "Christianity" that they used to defend their actions starts to look like the flags of all other groups who kill in the name of a cause. Its covered with the blood of the faithless and insane. Those that they could not convert. The dying authors burning books are dissenting opinions who are trashed. The church thought that they were supreme over all and those who questioned them deserved to die. "unconditional devotion unquestioning belief". "words carved in stone chiseled with sharpened bones of the ones who thought my righteousness was something to oppose". Killed those who dared to question the teachings of the church.