Lyric discussion by youreaverageperson 

Cover art for Blandest lyrics by Nirvana

i think its talking about anything that can hurt you, with reference to cutting yourself. youre my favourite of my saviours, youre my razor this could be talking about a person, who he is close to, and hurts him often, causes him pain, he needs them around to remind him when not to be calm ie, when he can be himself, and let go, "to remind me what not to become" someone who hurts people so much

just a thought.

I think it's about when he's down, his favorite "saviour", that saves him from pain or depression or what ever is his razor. Through hurting himself, cause that hurts more than whats inside. Don't you? And he needs someone around to remind not to become a junkie? I don't no, probably that or selfhater

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