Lyric discussion by KatieSavesTheDay16 

this song is so sad!...i mean u no ur gonna leave all ur friends when u graduate..but whut if u didnt say sumthin u had wanted to do since 6th grade?...or wut if sum1 wanted to say sumthin to you all that time and would you feel if sum1 told u that sum1 was gonna try and tlk to you and u waited since 6th grade...never knowing wut that sum1 was gonna say(NOTE: this all happened to me when i graduated from 8th grade) so if u all r still in grade/high school..ask tha person wut they wanna say to you..dont wait for shit to happen..go out there and MAKE the shit happen!....but then again...wut happens if you dont wanna know wut that person wants to say to u?.....makes u think....hope it was too confusing for all ur little minds

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