On the Wall Lyrics
This just completely messes me up.
Clearly this song is about using a condom. I never grew, covered up by you, and nothing grows anyway - No baby is produced in the process. Life in a sack is comming back - obviously his dick is again put in a "sack", and clearly this is something bad. The whole text is about his dick really...Allthough the "on the wall" part is still hard to understand.. Jesus and Mary Chain rules
well, I think this song is about the issues that come with growing up and becoming an adult. plus, how overwhelming it can all be out there in the "real world.” and the insecurities that this creates as well as a sense of being broken and shallow inside. (which he seems to blame on the way he was brought up).
also, I've always heard the last line as being: "Unlike the clock on the wall." which makes more sense. considering he seems to be declaring his independence after leaving home and school behind.
I don't know which version of this song I like better. They're both good for different reasons.
Man are these two hung up on the worst possible kinds of relationships, or what?
A great song, really.
This song is about being in a rut . Love the line "I'm like the clock on the wall".