Shades Of Grey Lyrics
I think this song is about an interracial couple that got married and had a baby. The grandmother is the father's mother and is happy to see that the child looks more like the dad than the mother. That's why the minister's not sure what to say, and that's why there's a Malcolm X reference. Any other ideas?
Hey - This is actually in reference to the real life story and struggle that Amanda's parents went through when they first fell in love in the 60's when intolerance and racism were still rampant. Amanda's mother is black and her father is white, and apparently plenty of people (including Amanda's grandmother) had a problem with it. Hence the "When my grandmother held me for the very first time She thanked God I looked like my daddy" -she was happy that Amanda's skincolor wasn't 'obvious' biracial. It's an incredibly deep and meaningful song to Amanda and this is her way of telling people that in the grand scheme of life, skin color doesn't mean a god damn thing as long as love is involved. Wicked song that every racist asshole in the world should listen to ;-)