Pete Loeffler, the lead singer of Chevelle, stated in an interview regarding the song and video that "The Red" is a commentary on frustration and anger in general - becoming so upset that you literally are seeing "red". The video makes this fairly clear as well; Loeffler is a speaker at an anger management seminar, and is watching the anger in the attendees build up throughout the song.
i absolutely love this song.. To me it means how mad u can be before breaking. Before u get really mad u see red and the threat is what u are capable of doing when ur sight goes red....
yea they just made a video for the song... just saw it today on much music... the video kinda sucked but chevelle still rules (check them out in the surf move Momentum, Under the influence its amazing)
Anger Anger Anger, Thus The Video, Red is the color for anger, so when your site goes red, everything you see, you just want to hurt. i have anger problems and this is how i identify with this song
Keep pushing people... eventually, you'll fuck with the wrong person who just so happens to have given up on life and lost their damn mind. May God help you if you do mess with that poor soul. The threat is real. a person can only go through so much and hold so much rage and anger and depression inside before it filters through and shows itself...and it's not fun for anyone anymore
This song could have two meanings in my head. I think the song is about a boy being bullied for not fitting in. The song quotes, "they say 'freak' when you're singled out'", which usually means he's being picked on and called names. Because of this:
- The person is either getting very angry by the way people are treating him and "seeing red" as in anger.
- Or, unfortunately, he could be harming himself, as the song quotes, "the threat is real when his sight goes red again" and "when asked who made it show..he gives in to most" (red referencing blood). Anyway, whatever meaning it may have, this song is overall very beautifully written. I absolutely love it!
I was puzzling that chorus for that reason, glad I'm not alone it thinking/knowing it's wrong. But this song is awesome, and Chevelle needs all the press they can get, so it's ALL good. As for the meaning of the song, I think it's about school, not just childhood. Think about it for a second, all the pressures of being singled out by the other kids for being short, fat, a rebel, a skater, a minority, a Catholic, a Satanist, a Wiccan, an anything that's not a white kid of Anglo-Saxon descent about 5'8 or taller with perfect teeth. Classificiations that single people out are evil becuase they piss people off. And that's where "The Red ... filters through." My take on this song is simple.
this song is so amazing. i totally agree with icas, this song is even better when you can play it really loud, like in the car. Oh my goodness, it's retarded what a great song this is...i can't say enough good things
Its about a guy who is different and it makes him to hear what hurtful things people say to him.:they say freak when your singled out" because he isn't accepted. The red actually represents the danger of him bottling his emotions anf finally letting them all out at once. "lay down the threat is real" sounds like a hostige situation and "when his sight comes red again" is almost as if he is a sniper. but it means his anger coming back out from constant harrasment of being differet. and" who made it show" is refering to the bullies that picked on him to build up his anger."he can't send to most" means that he's anger but doesn't actually do anything he gets mad but thats it, he just lets it "fiter through"
Personally I beilieve the song is about someone with angry problems. If anyone has seen the video you'd know that is starts off with the singer going into a rehab/anger management room.
"They say freak when you're singled out" Is talking about someone making fun of the person/singer. "the red well it filters through" Th red is referring to his anger, and it filinting through means that he can't hold back anymore. "So lay down the threat is real When his sight goes red again" Self explanatory.. More or less a warning to people to not piss him off. "When his sight goes red again" Basically he's losing control of his angry. You're suppose to see red when you get really really mad.