6 Meanings
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Hand of God Lyrics

(preacher speaking)
Now I would like friends if this evening
We should stand there with all other of God's
Creatures on the curbstone and watch this
March of time. Let us take our stand with them
And as we stand there I here one of them whispering
He is a Hebrew sage, he says 'vanity of vanities the
whole thing is a vain parade. It has no meaning'
(end preacher speaking)

The hand of God lays high above me
I'll be so good if you really love me
Let me feel your mighty crunch
As you rub me out like water, fire, coal, etc.

Let it be known today, if you got two hands
You're supposed to pray
Fingers of fire, coal, and lead
Fondly love me 'til I'm dead

The hand of God is thick and callous
Bruised and torn from stones and sticks
The hand of God has got a ring about the size of Texas
Made of sweet, smelly stuff
My fingers never smell

Let me try on your hand and see if it fits
Don't worry I won't touch anything unholy with it
Let it be known today, if you got two hands
You're supposed to pray
6 Meanings
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Going just from the two verses Chris sings this is what I got. I think it has to do something with the "Hand of God" being a preacher.

"The hand of God lays high above me" This might be the preacher pointing into a crowd which is above.

"The hand of God is thick and callous Bruised and torn from stones and sticks" This might be how a lot of preachers are old men who have these big thick bruised up hands.

"The hand of God has got a ring about the size of Texas" A lot of preachers have big rings.

My Interpretation
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my dad has a couch he calls the hand of god. my dad is fat. like a walrus...

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I think this song is moching religion or god. They way Chris descibes the hand makes it sound like he isn't into it. "The hand of God is thick and callous" doesn't make it sound too comforting.

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Nah, I'm sure Chris believes in a God. I'm very sure. He mentions God in other songs and his parents at least, were Catholic. Still, I'm not sure about this one.

I don't think Chris is a fan of religion in general. Just look at the songs Blind Dogs and Boot Camp for evidence of this.

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This song is obviously about religious hypocrites.

Was it not religious hypocrites that handed Jesus over to the Roman Empire for execution?

"The hand of God has a ring about the size of Texas..."

Does God wear rings? No.

But do people...?

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I think it has to do with how some Catholics are controlling. You know, they make Christianity look bad by hating gays, killing Arabians, and considering Christianity the superior religion. That's what this song means to me atleast.

@Spog Zallagi Wrong.

Quite the opposite.

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