Breath from Another Lyrics
why don't you drop my pants i'll make you squeal like a pig )
Inside your daughter is not warm enough - and you're not woman enough, no
For the soul you never sold
For the soul you never sold, no
Well you try but you can't let go
So hold on to years ago
Breath from another - and i'll have my way
You can never hold what you can't let go
'cause he wants it so
Just to make a dime before closing time
When he tells her so
For the soul you never sold
For the soul you never sold, no
Will you drive? well you can't let go
So long, two years ago
But i said i wasn't with it
Eyes red - thighs spread - better come get it
While it's hot the goods i got - nevermind my bad credit
Told me how she was soaking wet and i'm the one who wet it
Can't lie i sweat it, but i knew that if i ran through that
It's up the creek i'm headed
Body was there without nor sight nor vision still embedded
But i knew for fucking sure that in the morning i'd regret it
Had to debt it - i jetted
Teary eyes, touch my thighs, future high you'll be my game
Could have kept it but i left it embedded instead of it disecting me
Free spirit i feared it but steer it to clear it the stress in me
Possessing me - the chemistry - mother want me in the ministry
Where misery influenced me corruption claiming custody
And i knew this time - that i had to feel the pain
It was needed so i'll see what cause deception in this game
For the soul you never sold
For the soul you never sold, no
Will you drive? Well you can't let go
So hold on to years ago
When you're down on your knees in front of a man
I'll try to understand

yes, but what does it mean???
i hate when people just write that they like a song. we figured... otherwise you wouldn't have come to the page.
i really have no idea what it's about, and i wish she'd explain her songs, but i guess that just adds to her mystery. it sounds like self-sacrifice, but who knows?

always another gem to add to the classics...

IMO The song is about a drug addict whose addiction forces her into prostitution. To add to it, addict is pregnant (the daughter inside.) The only thing the addict has left is her soul...which she still has but is about to lose.

"don't compromise what's gold for the soul you never sold"
yeah it sounds like an unwanted pregnancy, she's deciding whether to follow through with it. apparently she doesn't. still trying to figure out what the father's position is.
concept continues into "Heaven Sent".

most of the lyrics, to me, suggest an incestuous relationship, really fucked up and toxic, describing a sort of twisted lust that atleast one person would definitely regret; "in the morning I'd regret it, had to dead it" the first section of the song & the first rapping section seem to suggest that the girl was initiating the whole situation and the man was saying no, however in the line "he got me hooked til i was shook" it says to me that the girl was possibly manipulated into the relationship. for me this song says a lot about male/female power relationships and victim blaming. this is often the case with incestuous relationships or r@pe cases where the man will shift the blame onto the girl and make her out to be a wh0re. This victim blaming thing also comes out in the last line, "When you're down on your knees infront of a man, I'll try to understand" It sounds like something an outsider would say to shame the girl, aka the victim. Just my take on the song which definitely could be wrong! Reading other comments is so interesting to me as everyone hears a different meaning in the song!!

idk what dis means im getting so frustrated
[Edit: yeee]