Dr Worm Lyrics
Good morning. How are you? I'm Dr. Worm
I'm interested in things
I'm not a real doctor
But I am a real worm
I am an actual worm
I live like a worm
I think I'm getting good
But I can handle criticism
I'll show you what I know
And you can tell me if you think I'm getting better on the drums
I'll leave the front un-locked 'cause I can't
Hear the doorbell
Watching me twirling the stick
When I give the signal, my friend
Rabbi Vole will pay the solo
Call me by my stage name, they will
Call me Dr Worm
Good Morning how are you, I'm Dr Worm
I'm interested in things
I'm not a real doctor
But I am a real worm
I am an actual worm
I live like a worm
I think I'm getting good
But I can handle criticism
I'll show you what I know
And you can tell me if you think I'm getting better on the drums
I'm not a real doctor
But they call me Dr. Worm

who cares? this song rocks!

Obviously this song deals with the symbolism of World War II, and the potential of a nuclear war composing World War III. 'Dr. Worm' is a totalitarian dictator's lead General-Scientist for Research and Developement on Arms and Warfare. He conducts maniacal experiments, and feels empathetic towards his patients, apologizing that he is not a real doctor, but still interested to know whatever this particular experiment may pertain to. The drums then logically represent his warfare ideas, which he likes to use quite often. He comments on how he'll show you what he can do, but can take criticism. This is contradicted by the next statement, 'i can't hear the doorbell', with heavy metaphorical values pertaining and relating to the simple fact that he won't listen to the obvious answer, being at the door. The answer is obviously in religion, as he hands the stage over to his rabbi friend, allowing him a solo. His true dreams, however, come from his desire to be the real ruler of the world, the true totalitarian dictator, as is evident in the case, 'Some day somebody else besides me will call me Dr. Worm'. This may actually simply be his desire to become a real doctor, giving reason for others to name him 'doctor.' His use of 'some day' denotes his predictions for World War III's occurrence, and perhaps hopes then will be the time for his becoming a supreme dictator doctor. This is a prime representation of American Literature, rivaling that of even the great Emily Dickinson. Thank you. ~Canteen Dave
Sir, I do believe you have greatly overthought this song, which was written originally for a children's series.
Sir, I do believe you have greatly overthought this song, which was written originally for a children's series.
dear god i hope your kidding because if your not your one of those over intellectual idiots who try and bring deep meaning into everything
dear god i hope your kidding because if your not your one of those over intellectual idiots who try and bring deep meaning into everything
I'm pretty sure you were joking, but either way, I couldn't stop laughing while reading your post...
I'm pretty sure you were joking, but either way, I couldn't stop laughing while reading your post...

Canteen Dave, i think you are crazy. you should definatly go to school, since you genius ways are deteriorating from your lack of maroon. although this song is obviously laying thick in symbolism, (says quite sarcastically while shaking her head "no"), i think you missed the boat completely.
@irisheyes4683 we need Canteen Dave to explain what you really mean by "missed the boat."
@irisheyes4683 we need Canteen Dave to explain what you really mean by "missed the boat."

Ha ha ha... Canteen Dave rocks... he's as mad as the song - he must be right!!

I love you Canteen Dave. I love you so much.

I am a real worm! really i think this dude is trying to convey a message...he may be trapped in his subconcious to make him believe he is a worm, obviously he has issues of worms as a young child. He want someone to listem to him, yet no one does, he asks for attention and just wants to be heard! he changes his mind frequently to show hes not sure of wat it is he is...or wants in this cruel world of criticism...i also think he may be an oxyistylene worm.

This song is about a musician who is merely average (I like to play the drums/I think I'm getting good/But I can handle criticism), but is hoping that he will get famous because of his stage name that he thinks is very clever (Some day somebody else besides me will call me by my stage name, they will call me dr worm).
@doortodoor correct.... he lives in a basement apartment (at his mom's) and " can't hear the doorbell" but "lives like a worm" (under the ground in the basement.)
@doortodoor correct.... he lives in a basement apartment (at his mom's) and " can't hear the doorbell" but "lives like a worm" (under the ground in the basement.)

RIVALING EMILY DICKENSON!!? ROCK ON! anyway u guys are ruining tmbg, assuming other deep meanings to the obvious songs displaying their love for booze. beer+beer+beer=album... the tmbg way

I agree with bethazar, do none of you people know how many drugs the wonderful Johns were on at the time? That's the beauty of TMBG, they were on a lot of drugs and wrote some fairly crazy, but great tunes.
Although, after reading what some of you people have to say about them, I'm not sure who's the crazy ones.

doortodoor hit the nail right on the head. It's a song about a guy who plays the drums in his basement and dreams of becoming famous.
The "I'm not a real doctor" line comes from a line of ads in the 70's. There was a TV actor who starred in some soap opera as a doctor who was hired to plug medicine. The commercial featured him sitting in a doctor's office with a white lab-coat on... however, there were scandals back in the early days of TV advertising because having a non-doctor in a white lab-coat pushing your product was seen by many as a form of deceptive fraud. Therefore, he opened the ad with the unintentionally hillarious line "I'm not a real doctor, but I play one on TV."