This Isn't The Tenka-ichi-budokai Lyrics

We fought. We fought hard. You beat me - ripped out my heart. And waiting for death I bleed and bleed and bleed.
21 Meanings
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I hate to say it but this is from DragonballZ... The Martial Arts tournament they hold every once in a while is called the "Tenkachi boudakai". I hate myself for knowing that, but it seems one of the members of IHM was an anime fan, cool.

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Ultimate breakup track indeed. I think the song reference could be just him, sad, idling and watching TV, DBZ on the tube. Think about the times you stared and did nothing when you lost that one you loved most.

Wowza. Didn't even see your comment before I posted. I do that a lot. Haha.

Good opinion, though. I've been running this one through my head for a while, and I finally broke down and made a page. Haha. I need some way to write, and I can add a song interpretation to a compilation writing, right?

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i googled it up a bit and i found out that kamehameha was king of hawaii and his name in hawaiian means "the lonely one" or "loneliness of a god". so that might make some sense actually... :)

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best song evar

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My breath cuts itself short everytime I hear this song.

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Whoa. Listened to this song once and bought the album immediately. As for the meaning, i somehow doubt they stayed friends after the break-up

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Whoa. Listened to this song once and bought the album immediately. As for the meaning, i somehow doubt they stayed friends after the break-up

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i hate to be so cliche' but this song truely is the ultimate breakup track

i remember finding so much comfort in this song during one of the hardest times in my life thus far

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and who didn't catch the kamehameha cry?

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hahah the kamehameha made me unable to take this song seriously at all.

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