Crazy Baby Lyrics
as you light your twenty-seventh cigarette
oh, how long have you been sitting in the darkness
you forget...
oh, you know you're getting really hard to be with
and you're crying every time you turn around
and you wonder why you cannot pick your head up
off the ground...
try to hold on tight
oh, my crazy baby
don't put out the light
the light, the light, the light
and you're living at the bottom of a well
and you've swallowed all the awful, bloody secrets
but you can't tell...
oh, you know you ought to get yourself together
but you cannot bear to walk outside your door
no, you cannot bear to look into the mirror
and your worries crawl around inside your clothes
oh, how long will you be sitting in the darkness?
heaven knows...

A view of depression from someone close to a sufferer.

I agree. Love this song. Haunting.

this is an amazing song. but the lyrics arent finished here. before the last chorus it goes: oh, you know you ought to get yourself together but you cannot to bear to walk outside your door no, you cannot bear to look into the mirror anymore... chorus.
idk how to get the lyrics changed on the site but if anyone does know how, you can do so.

I had a friend who's older brother went to see Joan in NY a few times when she was playing the clubs and he came back once and wrote out the lyrics to Crazy Baby for me and it kinda became a nickname. I was about 14 or 15 and going through extreme depression. I had just lost someone and he felt this song personified me completely. When I got the album and listened to the song I couldn't help but recognize the song as if it was written for me, except for the cigarettes part. It went on to become a nickname and now like 10 yrs later people still call me that. As a matter of fact my record label/production and publshing label are all named Crazy Baby Records.

In 93, I had a mental breakdown due to harrassment through my job and was diagnosed with severe depression. Not wanting to be admitted into the hospital my husband brought me home, quit his business and devoted his life to take care of me, as all good husbands do,( we have just celebrated our 43 wedding anniversary on 1/3/13}. With no understanding of what had happened to me I locked myself in my room and wanted to sleep. This song was all I listened to over and over and cried and cried. But hearing Joan sing "your not crazy baby, try to hold on tight, your not crazy baby, don't turn out the light" helped me to hang in there, and I thank God for my husband because there were a couple of times that he did save me from my lights going out. And to hear this song 20 years later I'm crying because I did hang in there and I have come a long way. Thank you Joan and God bless you from me and all the other confussed minds that have hung in there.