66 Meanings
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Laid Lyrics

This bed is on fire with passionate love
The neighbors complain about the noises above
But she only comes when she's on top

The therapist said not to see you no more
She said you're like a disease without any cure
She said I'm so obsessed that I'm becoming a bore, oh no

Ah you think you're so pretty

Caught your hand inside the till
Slammed your fingers in the door
Fought with kitchen knives and skewers
Dressed me up in women's clothes
Messed around with gender roles
Line my eyes and call me pretty

Moved out of the house, so you moved next door
I locked you out, you cut a hole in the wall
I found you sleeping next to me, I thought I was alone
You're driving me crazy, when are you coming home?

66 Meanings
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I don't really think that the song is about a transvestite. I always thought the cross-dressing lines of this songs were just an example of doing nutty things. There are plenty of normal people who have dabbled in cross-dressing at some point. Those lines are in a verse where he talks about playing with knives and slamming someone's fingers in a door. I always thought the song was about a relationship with a nymphomaniac also, and the relationship is ruining him (thus the "therapist" and "driving me crazy" stuff).

lol yeah I 100% agree with you, my ex was a nymphomaniac with me, no matter how many times I tried to end our relationship she just kept coming...pun intended. We did crazy shit like in this song all the time, it was fantastic. But like James, it was ruining me. :(

@stoolhardy When he sings the song live, he uses drawer, not door. Makes more sense with the till reference.

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I think that this song is exploring and challenging conventional notions of gender roles in relationships. I think that the narrator in this song is a man who is almost playing the stereotypical, traditional "female" role in the relationship such as analysing the relationship by going to a therapist (if we look at it with the idea that men don't tend to talk openly about their feelings) and by literally playing the woman in their sexual roleplay (dressed me up in women's clothes etc.)

The woman is is performing the typical male role i.e being on top to get sexual gratification, chasing the narrator at the end of the song. With the latter point, she is the one chasing HIM (you moved next door, you cut a hole in the wall) which again seems to be an inversion of conventional and old-fashioned male/female courting. And also the end lyric "you're driving me crazy; when are you coming home" reinforces the idea of the man's passivity; he is the one going crazy and he is the one waiting for the other to come home to him.

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Love love love all the interpretations! Lola, now that's a song about transvestites. This one always just reminded me of being in a hot & heavy sexual relationship that didn't really have anything else going for it. I had one of those once.

It's like filled with passion and great sex, but then when it's time to do anything else (like have a conversation) all you do is fight and argue.

He tries to break it off with her but she keeps stalking him cuz the sex is so great. Hmmm... sounds so familiar... I think I may have been the inspiration for this song. lmao.

lol yep, been in one of those before. Whenever we weren't fucking each other's brains out and moaning each other's names we were throwing knives and chairs 'n shit at each other :$ even the fighting was kinda fun cuz the hotter the fight the hotter the make-up sex, but we couldn't make it work forever. :(

@boxermom1004 Totally agree with you. I had something similar and managed to escape after 2 years of this wild stuff

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I remember asking my mum a couple of years ago what this song was about and she said "Two nutters who are in love with each other" XD

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Its kind of skirting around the theme of the song, but I think a lot of people have someone they need to keep away from. They have a very passionate and challenging relationship, but there obsession with each other is very detrimental. You know if you see them again something will happen, and you'll love it. That's my experience anyway. I'd love to see her again, but we will both end up hurting every time.

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I think the clue to this one is in the last line, "You're driving me crazy when are you coming home". In my view the rest of the song whilst open to many interpretations, is describing a very passionate sexual relationship between the male narrator and a woman. He describes their full on sexual relationship in some detail and also reveals how they also fight and argue.

However hard he tries he can't get her out of his head and even when she's not there he can't get her out of his head. So despite trying to be rid of her he finally gives in and wants her back. Hence "when are you coming home".

Overall I think it's brilliantly written, graphic and describes a situation many will have experienced.

My Interpretation

@Kevin254 "the clue is in the last line", nailed it man!! If it wasn't for the last line I'd agree with the interpretations from other posts; the song being about a nymphomaniac girl, having great sex, getting involved in a fucked up toxic relationship, and the guy looking desperately to leave the relationship but being unable to... Nevertheless, that last line changes it all: the guy finally gives up, gives up trying to figure things out, and trying to convince himself he doesn't miss her. He accepts he loves her and he needs her... and not only for...

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Is... Is that good?

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Interesting interpretation nesterreg, however if "she" refers to himself as his cross-dressed other half, I shudder to think what is meant by "But she only comes when she's on top" in the first verse. I believe the correct assumption about this line is that she is on top and he is on the bottom, but if she is really he and he is really she... I'm just not quite sure that's the picture these guys intended to paint. I don't think I ever looked into this song too much myself. I guess I always thought that it was a guy dating a sexaholic or nympho and then realizing that he had to get out of the relationship b/c it was getting out of hand. I suppose some might think that's a bit of an unrealistic reason to break off a relationship, but I can see it happening.

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disagree with the transvestite thingo.. I think it is about two people that are absolutely MAD for each other!......whether they like it or not. A great, fun song....CLASSIC!!!

why is it that the people you don't want to be crazy about (and really shouldn't be crazy about) are the ones that drive you insane with passion?

@ShannyH because that's the triggers that can set you off.

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A played this once when my first girl friend was visiting me, she wasn't amused as it was a little to close to the bone. Things were very passionate. The guys below had complained about the noises above we had been wrestling. She did only cum when she was on top. Was a fan of her own appearance. She was in therapy. This wasn't mentioned when we first started dating. I started because she was driving me mad.

My take on things is that emotional relationships bring up, difficulties from one's past and you love for each other motivates you to deal with it. I see emotional difficulties in most people, some people how have been through more see things more lucidly and compassionately. Reading some of the post it sounds like some people haven't felt that sort of out of control feeling. You may have a cohesive world view that normally makes you predictable perhaps a little boring, but when you love someone there's a deeper compassion which surpasses convention and you find yourself behaving in new ways.

This song captures the out of control madness of love. some of the posters talk as if their is some omnipotent, omniscient woman who is calculatedly controlling things rather than a slightly emotionally mucked up individual who is herself on an emotional roller-coaster. I see such view points as conspiratorial and paranoid, just because your not in control doesn't mean she is. :-)

lol love this one! Well said! Love makes fools of us all. It's a wild ride in a car with no brakes or steering wheel!

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