Dyslexic Heart Lyrics
I misconstrue what you mean
Slip me a napkin and now that you start
Is this your name or a doctor's eye chart?
I ain't dying to offend you, I got a dyslexic heart
Is this a library or bar?
Between the covers I judge you when ready
A half-angel, half-tart
Help me with this part
Do I date you? Do I hate you?
Do I got a dyslexic Heart?
Thinking 'bout stayin'?
Or are you just playing, making passes
Well, my heart could use some glasses
This song is about how hard it is to connect with members of the opposite sex. The eternal mystery of the fairer gender. Is she saying what she's thinking, or something else? Is she waiting for me to say something? What does she mean by that? I don't know what to say. Why is she just sitting there? I hope she's not bored. I keep reading this menu over and over again, acting like i'm deep in thought over my dinner selection just so I won't be forced to talk in this uncomfortable atmosphere... etc etc etc.
Ahh, WOMEN!! Us men will never understand...
Agree with you up there. Explain to me though, he's seeing with his heart (not eyes or brain or organ) -that tells me he already loves her (or wants to) or would be "seeing" her with something else. Tell me, since you're a male and I'm not, would any of this even matter if he didn't have feelings in his heart? PS If you really want to understand, read Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus by John Gray, PhD.
I don't think he already loves this person or anything. I think the song is simply about how hard it can be to communicate with someone you're attracted to.
The "heart" has been used throughout history as the organ that has to do with feelings and emotions. Paul Westerberg just puts a clever spin on it.
The song kind of follows the path of a new relationship. The first stanza is about when he meets the girl. The second is when they're on a date and he uncomfortably fumbles through a dinner menu. And the third is when they're back at his place, and he's wondering if she's going to stay the night.
And... of course the protagonist has feelings, of some kind, for the woman. That's why he's so uncomfortable and feels like he has a "dyslexic heart"... unsure of what to do and what to say. He likes this woman, but he's unsure about how to "reach" her, or get comfortable...
Upon further ponderance (that a word?) I'm curious about how much power a man gives a woman in this situation. Seems he's frantically trying to "read" her, almost like a parent tries to interpret a baby's cry. I could never understand women who give men mixed messages, as if there aren't already enough communication problems between the sexes. And what I could never understand about men is why they put up with it. Let's ask Paul, genius lyricist that he is... :-)
Slip me a napkin and now that's a start...
Between the covers I judge you ain't ready...
Do I read you correctly, you need me directly...
Do I date you? Do I hate you?
amazing theme song, from the film singles! I love the concept of the dyslexic heart
My table is steady. Not ready.
Lovely pop song. Catchy as hell. Paulie made his play for the mainstream and true to form fell flat on his face. Despite being on a really successful Singles soundtrack.
The song actually fits the entire SINGLES idea. Fear of committment or more appropriately, lack of connection. Everyone looks for the perfect relationship. The protagonist just guesses his heart is dyslexic as he just does not get a possibly good thing.
I LOVE this song. Paul is a great musician who does not take himself or anything/anyone else seriously. :) This song is why I'm a fan of his.
Typical Westerberg word-play. Paul has lots of fun with his lyrics, flinging metaphors, images and ideas on the wall, backed up by his killer riffs and great singing, making 'em swing, and seeing what sticks. This is surely one of his best "pop" songs, and it's wonderful from start to finish, rough edges and all. I agree with those who have said the basic theme is the occasional/frequent(?) difficulty of communication between people navigating the rapids of a relationship. To some extent I think he actually "dumbed-down" the lyrics so as to drive the point home. Some of the specific images are directly out of Westerberg's lifestyle, like "a library or a bar" - in her memoir "Petal Pusher" Laurie Lindeen talks about dating Westerberg during this period and how their dates would often end up at the library (!!!).
a few glaring errors in this man.
You shoot me glances and they're so hard to read I misconstrue what you mean Slip me a napkin and now that you start Is this your name or a doctor's eye chart?
I try and comprehend you but I got a dyslexic heart I ain't dying to offend you, I got a dyslexic heart
Thanks for the book, now my table is ready Is this a library or bar? Between the covers I judge you when ready A half-angel, half-tart
Do I read you correctly, you need me directly Help me with this part Do I date you? Do I hate you? Do I got a dyslexic Heart?
You keep swayin', what are you sayin'? Thinking 'bout stayin'? Or are you just playing, making passes Well, my heart could use some glasses
Are you staying, what are you sailing? are you swaying? Or are you just playing, making passes Well, my heart could use some glasses
tryin to comprehend you I got a dyslexic heart
do I read you correctly, I need you directly help me with this part Do I love you, do I hate you I got a dyslexic heart.
@thecodger Er Slip me a napkin and now that's a start
@thecodger Er Slip me a napkin and now that's a start