27 Meanings
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-1 Lyrics

Losses, losers and more, gain of life's pleasures cohorts listen behind the doors to a life meaningless less than 0 in me all my walls falling down pains aloft misery
I'm sure that the lessons were learned I'm sure that the punishments went well deserved by the pawn in the plan taste of shit bitterness walk from me everything systematically

Come on youweretheone youweretheone,
To dredge up shit inside of me in my pointless life of nothing
Tell me what I'm supposed to be
Tell me who I'm supposed to be
Tell me what it takes to ascend
Tell me what it takes to live

Patience, pleasures and rewards, come in due time stare at the sun I'm bored in a life meaningless soaking up all of me like the cross you worship life is loss look at me I'm sure that some day we'll wake up I'm sure that some day we'll wake from the dream
Of success and focus...tunneling to the light glowing deep inside of me your taunting I wake up

Come on youweretheone youweretheone,
To dredge up shit inside of me in my pointless life of nothing
Tell me what I'm supposed to be
Tell me who I'm supposed to be
Tell me what it takes to ascend
Tell me what it takes to live
Tell me nOW!
Tell me nOW!

Pain misery distress dismal know where depressed idiot failure
In me......calling......loser......man I'm the
Loser......loser.....loser......in me......who I am....in me....

Don't feel sorry don't feel sorry for me
Don't need your sympathy or empathy, don't need your sympathy inside of me,
Don't need your sympathy or empathy, don't need your sympathy inside of me,
Don't feel sorry don't feel sorry for me

Come on
I know youweretheone youweretheone
Numb to feelings inside of me why I've seized my vision
Don't need you to tell me who to be
Don't need you to tell me what to be
Don't need you to tell me how to ascend
Don't need you to tell me how to live
Song Info
Submitted by
gasmask On Apr 24, 2001
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27 Meanings

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Cover art for -1 lyrics by Mudvayne

the song is about feeling worthless. Realising that everyone around you is just so much happier/better/successful etc. than you in every way. And all these people just try to bring you down and make you feel even worse.

@blacklabel1 I don't know if theme follows that others try to bring him down, but I get the impression more they are sick of others telling them how to "better themselves" ... he just wants to be left alone, as shown by the line "Don't need you to tell me how to live".

Cover art for -1 lyrics by Mudvayne

No, this song isn't about people making him feel less than nothing. He himself feels less than nothing. He is goin around feeling as if he is worthless and he is in this world where everyone is better than him, yet he does not want everyone's pity. He doesn't want these people making him feel better and consoling him and telling him what to do to live his own life. He feels the way he feels, and he views the help given by the people who he sees as better than him as pity and he doesn't want it.

@Un-Mundane agree, he feels worthless and others are trying to help him "better" himself, but he doesn't want their 'help'. The last line pretty much sums up this sentiment.

Cover art for -1 lyrics by Mudvayne

I thinks its about being depressed and having low self esteam and being negative about everything because you dont think their is anything to be positive about.

Cover art for -1 lyrics by Mudvayne

Basically the vibe I get when I listen to this song, is if you have ever had one of those experiences when you are always down no matter what and you feel as if you are lost and stuck below the norm... (Although I hate that term "normal") you ask you self plenty of questions and just wish you could become a normal person and learn to live/love... well anyways if u experience that type of feeling enough you become like immune to reality and your like who gives a shit.... that’s my opinion tho, the only true meaning of the song could only be know from Kud's subconscious anyways :P

Cover art for -1 lyrics by Mudvayne

okay, so I was listening to this song last night (this morning), and reading Ecclesiastes at the same time. I don't know, most of you people have probably never picked up the bible in your life, and believe that anyone who reads it is retarded, but that's aside the point. I'm not here to push my views, which are excruciatingly complicated, upon anyone.

I was reading it though, and it seemed to parallel this song so much that it blew me away. It was also the first song on the shuffler, so that was kinda cool.

So, first off, "to a life meaningless" is pretty much a recurring theme in Ecclesiastes. Nothing you do will get you anywhere, so what's the point of success, right?

Also, right when I heard "systematically", I read it in my version of the bible (NIV). Freaked me out lol. This is what it says:

"Systematically, he sampled all of life's powers and pleasures, yet all ultimately disappointed him. All proved meaningless." - Student Bible, NIV, pg 693 (Talking about Solomon)

"Patience, pleasures and rewards" - "Patience is better than pride". Okay, so that's a simple example. But right after that, the song says "staring at the sun I'm bored", and Solomon says "nothing new under the sun" a lot.

Patience comes from the Latin word patior, which means 'to suffer'. It kind of shows a chiasmus of ideas, 'suffer for pleasures and rewards', or something to that extent.

"I'm sure that some day we'll wake from the dream of success and focus..."

"I thought in my heart, 'Come now, I will test you with pleasure to find out what is good.' But that also proved to be meaningless." Ecc 2:1

"So I hated life, because the work that is done under the sun was grievous to me. All of it is meaningless, a chasing after the wind." Ecc 2:17

"Tell me what it takes to ascend" "Who knows if the spirit of man rises upward and if the spirit of the animal goes down into the earth?" Ecc 3:21

Both this song and Solomon seem to be talking about seeking meaning, and wisdom. By the way, many people wanted to remove Ecclesiastes from the Old Testament, due to its depressing, realistic views on life.

I recommend reading Ecclesiastes no matter what religion you are. It holds many truths in it, but it is a very burdensome read.

(By the way, "Rose of Sharyn", a Killswitch Engage song, is based on Song of Songs, which is also written by Solomon)

You could do the same with about 4,167 other books, 4,163 of which are less full of shit than the Christian buy-bull. Nice try though.

@ Friktion, I find your thoughts on Ecclesiastes quite pessimistic. @ despondent, there are a lot of books I don't believe in, but it would be wrong of me to call them names. I may disagree with them, but RESPECT is one important key in this life.

@Friktion666 Ironic that you say I should respect a book that tells me I'll be tortured forever simply because I find no reason to believe what the book says. Why is it respectful for Christians and the buy-bull to condemn everyone else, but not respectful for people to call bullshit on Christi[ns]anity and the buy-bull?

Cover art for -1 lyrics by Mudvayne

I can so relate to this song

Cover art for -1 lyrics by Mudvayne

oh god.. kick ass song..

Cover art for -1 lyrics by Mudvayne

lovely song

Cover art for -1 lyrics by Mudvayne

People are always giving him shit making him feel less than zero (-1), so he asks them how he's supposed to live his life because everyone acts like they know it better than him. Then later realizes he doesn't need their help and he can live on his own terms and he doesn't need them after all.

Cover art for -1 lyrics by Mudvayne

A lot of this music represents things i have personal experience in, but this one is spot on with the descriptions of being told what you are, and slowly losing all feelings except anger and hate. This song gives me the feelings of tingling that you get when you know you're hearing a very powerful song. Most of the music on this album is 'music you'd fight to', but this is more like the music you listen to after the battle.