Harry, You're A Beast Lyrics
And I'm not gonna be kind or easy
Your whole attitude stinks, I say
And the life you lead is completely empty
Your mind is dead
You don't even know what I just said
You're phony underneath
You lay in bed & grit your teeth
Don't come in me, in me
Don't come in me, in me
Don't come in me, in me

it's not that it sounds like the beatles, it's just that the entire album is specificaly attempting to recreate the exact sounds of hippie music, the drums being a big part of it.
a big thing on this album is the use of happy sounding music against lyrics that show a rather more dark scene, for example in this case, drunken rape.

It's a song about the rape of American women in general by a male chauvinistic 1960's American Male population.....Thank God those days are gone.

goddamn..there are hardly any comments for any of the songs off of We're Only In It For The Money the dialogue is pretty cool HARRY YOU'RE A BEAST! the first verse totally sounds like the beatles.

OK - not sure where the thoughts above are from. Broken arm?
Anyway - seems, as with most of WOIIFTM, a criticism of American culture - specifically certain women who are the "typical 1950's stay at home woman" and/or the pampered princess. The lyrics are pretty clear in their criticism. The second half seems like the issues of man vs woman not understanding each other - and obviously the sexual play-out that happens, and you can hear the woman upset at the end because he didn't pull out and the man's appology. Kind of sad. Dark humor.

Harry, your typical working-class American gentleman comes home one day to find that Madge hasn't finished cooking his dinner! In fact, she completely forgot about dinner and instead spent all the time putting on makeup and trying to look like some kind of hollywood-vacant-celebrity-type of person.
Harry takes offense and boxes Madge's ears before forcing her to have angry sex with him to relieve some stress during which he accidently break's Madge's arm (Harry is a furniture salesman!)