5 Meanings
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Lost Lyrics

Pourras-tu le faire I'm lost...
Pourras-tu le dire
Tu dois tout essayer
Tu dois devenir

Tu dois voir plus loin
Tu dois revenir
Egaré en chemin
Tu verras le pire

Pour trouver le sud
Sans perdre le Nord
Après les certitures
Au-delà des bords

I'm lost but I'm not stranded yet
I'm lost but I'm not stranded yet

Dans les yeux des femmes
Dans la marie-jeanne
Dans la techno-cité
Pour manipulés

Grand combat de chairs
Colline enflammée
Dans l'ombre ou la lumière
Pôle halluciné

Pour courir ventre à terre
Brouillard et fumée
Consommer consumer
Recracher de l'air

Dans le dérisoire
Dans les accessoires
Dans le feu des possibles
Au coeur de la cible

Dans la paranoïa
Dans la schizophrénia
Un maniacopéra

I'm lost but I'm not stranded yet
I'm lost but I'm not stranded yet

Entre les dérapages
Entre les lignes d'orages
Entre temps entre nous
Et entre chien et loup
Au maximum du voltage
A peine est passé le message
Au fil du rasoir

Encore une fois c'est la vie qui s'entête
Acharnée au-delà des images qu'on reflète
Chacal, charogne, chaman, sachem
Magie noire ou blanche inscrite à la Sacem

Des poumons d'or
Ici, maintenant, à la vie, à la mort
N'oublie pas ton sourire pour ce soir si tu sors
Un jury t'attend n'injurie pas le sort

Entre les dérapages
Entre les lignes d'orages
Entre temps entre nous
Et entre chien et loup
Au maximum du voltage
A peine est passé le message
Au fil du rasoir

Dans les corridors
Sur les baies vitrées
Des insectes écrasés
qui chechaient de l'or

Dans les ministères
Dans les monastères
Dans les avalanches
Au bout de la planche

Des combats d'autorité
Des conflits d'intérêts
Des types ignifugés
Veulent ma fusée

Des désenchanteurs
Un train à quelle heure
Des pirates des corsaires
Sans aucun repaire

Tu dois voir plus loin
Tu dois revenir
Tu dois tout essayer
Tu dois devenir
Tu dois devenir
Tu dois devenir

I'm lost but I'm not stranded yet
I'm lost but I'm not stranded
5 Meanings
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even though i only get the "i'm lost but i'm not stranded yet..." part, i'm dying for it. this is music, you know. it's a language by itself. you don't need to understand all the words to like a song. and this song is really great....

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I've taken French lessons for about 5 years now, so I understand some of the content (at least the "shallow" parts; I may not get the deeper meaning with this song, if you understand what I'm trying to say), though I agree with you - the passion lies in the music. I have to thank my French teacher for introducing me to Noir Désir with this song after we'd read a text titled "Une tragédie moderne" about what happened with Bertrand and Marie.

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I love this song. Noir Desir is - I should say was - an excellent music group, remarkable for the lyrics as well as for the music, which is rare. What happened is tragic but I prefer not to think about it so that I can still appreciate the music. I mean, some people think the man's disgusting, so the music's disgusting, too. That's not my case... It's a good thing that your french teacher did introduce you to Noir Désir ; I have the feeling that french teachers too often focus on "classical" singers like Edith Piaf or Jacques Brel (who were excellent but have nothing to do with what young people listen to...). It's a kind of cliché...

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I agree with all the comments. This is music first, words included. I don't say it doesn't mean something but the songwriting is pretty poetic (and cryptic) and based on rhymes and rythm. You understand some things but it's up to everybody. They're considered a political group in France, though their music isn't directly explicit, some songs critizice global economy and capitalism & its excesses. But mainly, the lyrics are very litterary. In this song the accumulation of many nouns make sens with the chorus. You feel overwhelmed and "lost". Hope i was clear, because even if french speaking persons could translate this song (i'm french), the meaning would be up to what it conveys to you. I can translate but it's long and gets complicated at the end. Anyway, I'll try if anyone asks.

Ok, I expected to see many more comments and "meanings" about this group which I like very much. At least for this song, "Ernestine", "Un jour en France" , "A ton etoile". These days I will post my translations for these songs... I think what Cantat writes/sings it's pure poetry.. as Jim Morrison used to do (the resemblance it's obvious, right :) ).

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I really love this song...it contains an universal meaning. What i love about their songs is the ability to speak to people's soul without explicit words. Everyone of us felt lost once in life. The important thing is to remember its own landmarks (le Nord) and never forget to smile (n'oublie pas ton sourire pour ce soir, si tu sors)

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