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Luxury Lyrics
I want a real fine car, fly Miami too
All the rum, I want to drink it, all the whiskey too
My woman need a new dress, my daughter got to go to school
I'm working so hard, I'm working for the company
I'm working so hard to keep you in the luxury
what a lousy song to put as first song on the second side of this lp.
@orphan_yachts Fair enough.... not great technically or lyrically but it’s quite catchy and good to sing along to, a bit of a social comment of sorts too. I like it. (It’s only rockn’ roll after all.
@orphan_yachts Fair enough.... not great technically or lyrically but it’s quite catchy and good to sing along to, a bit of a social comment of sorts too. I like it. (It’s only rockn’ roll after all.
@orphan_yachts I hope 17 years later you realized what a mistake you made saying that
@orphan_yachts I hope 17 years later you realized what a mistake you made saying that